Wednesday, July 09, 2008

All Ends of the Earth

All ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD,
and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.
For kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations
Ps. 22:27


danny2 said...

just read this about thirty seconds after your post:

"O LORD, the God of our fathers, are You not God in the heavens? And are You not ruler over all the kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in Your hand so that no one can stand against You."

it really is amazing when you see God desire for His glory to be see among all nations from cover to cover of Scripture!

Brad said...

Yes indeed. And to see that from the very beginning he has not only desired, but has ultimately determined to display that glory among them by saving them--all.

Looking Upward said...

all doesn't really mean all all the time...
Does it?

Brad said...

Well, yes, it always means all, but it doesn't always mean every single one; sometimes it only means the overwhelming majority.

Looking Upward said...

So, what you are saying is that all the passages in the Bible that use all don't always mean all, just the overwhelming majority of those passages...
Which ones?

Brad said...

No, every single one of the passages that use "all" mean "all" every single time; it's just that "all" doesn't every single time mean "every single one".

Every single time we see the scripture saying "all" did something, and then saying that "some" did not, we know that that's one of the single times when saying "all" means something other than "every single one".

For example, even though we know that the Pharisees did not go out to John to be baptized (Luke 7:30), we still know that all Judea went out to John to be baptized (Matt. 3:5-6)

To complicate matters even further, sometimes "all" doesn't mean either "every single one" or "the overwhelming majority" but means rather "every single kind"; and even then, I imagine that instead of meaning "every single kind", "all" can sometimes just mean the "overwhelming majority of kinds". But now I'm getting silly

danny2 said...

i'd just leave it at "all" means all, all the time.

the issue then becomes what all is modifying. at that point, when it says "all men," i would then offer it doesn't necessarily mean every single man, but could mean something else like "all nations." and at that point, i think it would mean all.

of course, we see that validated in places like "every tongue, tribe and nation."