Thursday, July 19, 2007

Let Me Count the Ways

Today some dear brothers asked me what I thought was to be gained by focusing so heavily on the doctrine of God’s covenant. I was able to name a few things on the spot, but having had time for a little more reflection, I offer a few additional ideas. The following is a more extensive (though certainly not exhaustive) list of biblical teachings which, I believe, can be understood in much greater depth when viewed in terms of God’s covenant. Indeed, there are some teachings on this list which, in my humble opinion, cannot be fully appreciated apart from such an understanding.

Please do not read me as saying that the covenant is the only important or even the most important doctrine in the Bible or that, without this knowledge, a person will utterly fail to grasp the scriptures. I simply propose that the doctrine is immensely valuable and worthy of much more attention than it typically receives in modern American Evangelical circles. I know that by merely listing these doctrines, I will not have proven the value of a covenantal understanding; that will take much more time. But I hope that by presenting this list I can at least make it clear why I believe the doctrine is so important.

It is my firm conviction that a proper understanding of God’s covenant is essential to a proper understanding of:

the cross work of Christ

the heavenly ministry of Christ

the true nature of salvation

our identity as God's people

our relationship with God as his people

the promises of God toward his people

the duties of God’s people toward God

the blessings for obedience and penalties for disobedience

the relationships of God’s people with one another

the true nature of church

the relationship between the church and Israel

the position of saints’ children before God

the nature of scripture in general

the relationship between the Old and New Testaments

the unfolding of biblical history

the final goal of human history

I intend first to take up the covenantal nature of Christ’s work on the cross.


Looking Upward said...

What is "God's covenant"?

Brad said...

In my own, theologically non-professional opinion, God's covenant can be defined as the terms of that divinely instituted relationship between God and His redeemed people wherein are set forth God's promises to His people, the duties of God's people before him, the blessings for obedience, and the penalties for disobedience.